Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

miss my bestfriend

this lately .. i miss my guys...
dunno why but everything change........... I don't recognize them anymore
they used to look for me when they missed me or just spent some time with me

were used to hang out ,, laughing ,, teasing each other, but not now...
they all change because they have girlfriend.......... well i'm happy for them ,,they finally not playing around anymore.. but it's kinda weird feeling when you know ,, they're not gonna spent some time with u again

i missed their silly smile
i missed their scrubby word
i missed they way look each other when they start mocking people around them...
ga perlu ngomong.... cukup liat2an trus ketawa bareng ..dalam otak masing2 ngetawain orang ...
kangen gila2-an..........

but im happy for them ,,,they finally found sum1 for shared everything..........


every thing give me sign to start from the beginning again........
hate the process but do i really had to do this.. can I just handed to god hand........
found a good quote "maybe it's better for us if we both just let it gone into the light "

but the question is do i walk into the right direction??

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