Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

my first time eng....

akhirx.. ini blog entry pertama w neeh...kinda weird after this few years keep blogging @ fb n fs finally ....huf**

sebenarx dah sekian lama pingin bikin blogger ..tapi ga tw carana( sipu2 malu mode on) ...n i dont have my own word to share with others.. keep twittering other blog.. specsially my favorite blogger ..............

read her ( unne adisti) last posting dunno why hati ini tergerak...jiaaah... serius nee ( klo liat muka gw.. pasti 100 % sure...i'm totally serious bout wat I say..) xixixi.........
pengen buat blog dari 5 tahun yg lalu sebelum gw tau gimana crx update status FB..but still CUMA NIAT doank... ( Klo ga gara2 unee sad bakal gw bikin ni blog) ....

acctualy gw juga ga tau unee baca ap ga.. tp ..serius gw ikut sad baca postx... just like i wrote in her comment..

unee yg gw kenal ga gini.. unee yg d' knal tabah , stand alone no matter what .. she's became one of my inspiration n maybe for some her blog open up my mind .

I ever heard every creature in this world had their own speciality.. but not me..
i'm not pretty , i'm not that smart. i'm not the kind of girl who gonna rock sum1 world just becoz ME being "myself".... & i'm FAT... most of girl in this world consider FAT is an enemy.. so did I... & I ever hate my self for being FAT..i almost gave up on this world too. but thanks to unee.. she's change my life...

she's the one who bring my life back.. bring my smile back.. unee u might not know ur ability to touch sum1 lives... but u did it with ur word.....

once again.. for unee I dedicated this blog 4 U.. ..



1 komentar:

  1. Dee,
    makasih banyak ya buat postingan ini. I am touched. Saya gak tau apa yang ngebuat kamu ngerasa blog saya " spesial ". hehe.
    Tapi, untuk yang kamu tulis di postingan ini, saya cuma mau bilang, penampilan fisik itu bukan segalanya lho.
    Dan jangan bilang kalo kamu gak pinter,gak cantik atau apalah. We're all equally beautiful. Tergantung gimana caranya supaya lebih "keliatan" aja :)

    Dan, saya ngerasa gak pantes untuk didedikasikan apapun oleh siapa pun,karena saya juga masih belajar dan masih banyak kekurangan.

    But, thanks again :)

    Hope you'll find whatever it is you're looking for and become the person you'd want to be.
