Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

harusx ga gini..............

end year.. arrive... finally one of the most thing i hate almost due to end..
rasax senang klo inget desember mau abis.. new year party lage.. taon baru lage... awal baru lagi..

tp kok rasax msih stuck disni sini aja seeh... still the same question haunted.. why??

KENAPA SEEH mukax masih disekitarq?
KENAPA SEEH masih inget call aq?
KENAPA SEEH masih nggemesin ?
KENAPA SEEH aq ga bisa lupa kamu?
trus the most important question is..
....jiaaaaah..... rasa sensitif ini membuncah,, jadi penyakit..s***
( MALU w.............)

seharusx... ga gini.. seharusx waktu aku dah picik. ( pencet..) *haiah...tekan tombol OFF sm rasa ini..
seharusx.. prasaaan ini juga hilang.. tapi kok tetep ada seeh.. jadi nanya lagi deh KENAPA??
jadi inget sm note yg dulu.. "COWO MENANG MILIH CEWE MENANG NOLAK"


yang sendirian,, tapi ngerasa sepi inside....
I DO have a friend ... the kind who cheerish me for life... make me laugh.. even sumtime aq banyak di kerjaiin.. ( jd inget anak SMP ntu,, hahaha..) but still they were the best heal in my messy world...

and back to the WHY question....
i know this stupid question and I might know the answer ..but i still questioning it..


bereeee.. dah tau seeh jawabx.... tapi tetep nanya... bego..bego.. lungupx

almost a year i spent healing my stupid feeling.. I DID...
but @ the end of the year ... the feeling back haunted me again ... and again....
dan HARUSNYA RASANYA GA KAYA GINI....................

call me telalu naruto..bere... iskompray...ajogombrooh........ what ever... I DONT CARE
this is just my felling.......

Senin, 30 November 2009


gosh.. early in the morning sum1 remind me of sumthing I hate ...

I just realize tommorow is december .. the last month of this year ... and i fellin missarable all day cos i remmber that

Gosh i just realize how fast the day past ,, just a blink on an eye I felt the
" december mood " and how much i hate this month .. and the worst i haven't finish my "2009 goal "

December would be like me RE-RUN *a bad movies...* (unne lang)

Senin, 09 November 2009


Re-read my posting last year.. made me a little bit amaze...
istilahx traceback one year ago ..

i’m so glad it’s over
Sunday, November 2, 2008 at 4:57pm

i’m so glad it’s over
, i dont know how ?? sumhow i can cured so fast ..

not like the other scene before , this time i’m not a drama queen anymore

i’m glad i’ve been through this moment , so I can capture it & keep it for the rest of my life , i will remember it as the only one

“a life time bad experience i ever had in my entire life ”

i’m so glad he did all those bad things 2 me, makes me realize he’s not wothed for my future life

i’m so glad he show the truth that he never “meant anything” before , present & even in the future

i’m so glad his part in my life already over.,, & it’s comes for sum1 else chance to take part im my sort life …

there’sno more lies , no more cry , no more sin… no more dream…

just like “jm said ” when u dreaming with broken heart , waking up it’s the hardest part”, but i always believe i had my own faith to get through this……

trust me.. I DID IT.. I do survive.. i skip those tortured moments

no more "him" in my heart.. but he still hangging in my life..

after 6 month no contact at all..
I set my bar so high,I set my wall too high so he can't climb up again
but now i'm covering my self with denial..

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

muarx aay..

weih,....mati rabit.. aq.... secara,, orang2 ntu g appreciate art.. ga tau apa.. ntu foto natural banget... singkat cerita..jiaah kaya panjang aja ceritana auntie q tercinta memposting fotoq yg paling muantep di fb.. dan ternyata mengundang aksi dari bubuhan tumpis... but at least i know those people care bout me..in their own way.. bari muuuar..........

Nadhila Passa
maap...tidak mksd mengejek...
hanya numpang ketawa...
Yesterday at 10:04am

Marina Agoes
oh..tidak masalah..memang itu tujuan saia mengupload poto iini..wkwkwkwkwk
Yesterday at 10:05am

Satiia Calya Putrii
SeeeRrreEeEeEmMmMm. . . . . . . .
Yesterday at 10:13am

Marina Agoes
pke merinding g mpuut....???hihihihihi
Yesterday at 10:16am

Nadhila Passa
Yesterday at 10:26am

Satiia Calya Putrii
Heeeh. . . .
Merinding bulu"kuw te'
wkwkwkwkwk. . . .
Yesterday at 10:34am

Marina Agoes
wkwkwk..kmu enak be 2 tinggal komen,ntar saia yg dimaki" ama sii gundud itu...tP tag masaLah..eang penting hatiquw seNang..hahahay
Yesterday at 10:36am

Satiia Calya Putrii
Dasar aneh. . . .
Akw gag ikud"an akh. . . .
Ahaaayyy. . . .
Uye. . .uye. . . .
Prikitiw. . . .
Yesterday at 10:3am

Marina Agoes
nda papa mpuut mumpung bLum oL dy...xixixi..te' bis upLoad poto nii..nda akan oL pling g 2 mpe 3 hR....ngindarin makianx c gundud..wkwkwkwk
Yesterday at 10:54am

Satiia Calya Putrii
Hahahahahayyy. . . . . . . .
Awas te dpenyetna. . .
Yesterday at 11:00am

Marina Agoes
wkwkwkwk....buldozer dy....
Yesterday at 11:01am

Dian Agoes
Tunggu aj pembalasan si pitung....anjoooooooy
Emosi jiwa aq nee....

Yesterday at 11:15am ·
Afda Emzed,
iiccchhhhh ... atuttt aq ???
penampakan nya big bgt ...
wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk ,,,
Yesterday at 12:24pm

Ciko Primaditya
ada kiNGkOng 5..............
Yesterday at 2:57pm

Dhiantz Moenafz Foedzastiya
Hantu gunung belah....beraksiiiiii............!!!!!!
Yesterday at 3:56pmAhargun Ykejiiiiaaaahhh.....serem'x pank....
kya kunti dari gua hantu eh mukax...!!!!!!
Yesterday at 4:23pm

Marina Agoes
wuakkakakakkk..dian kata ustadz sobry orang sabar buritx lebar bom...
Yesterday at 4:42pm

Satiia Calya Putrii
Astagfirullah. . .
Tega'y kalian menzolimi a'dian. . .
Wkwkwkwk. . . . ;'p
Yesterday at 4:51pm

Marina Agoes
* mpuut :Holoh..maka td kmu juga lho ea..
Liad dunk poto profilx , lbh bgus dr kmaren..
lebih natural gituh..hahahay
Yesterday at 4:56pm

Satiia Calya Putrii
Akuu tan cuma ksii coMend te. . . .
Hahahayyy. . . .
Mrah dya thu te', ,
hayUuUu. . . .
Yesterday at 5:01pm

Ernie Agoes
gk kok dee ntu biar ndut tp maniz,sumpeh................
Yesterday at 7:24pm

Neva Emzednah...klo yg dibilang ka erni tuh boong smua...
ga bisa dipercaya tuh....
Yesterday at 7:26pm

Dian Agoes
Prikitiw...uye..Trima kasih y allah kau beri ksemptan bwtq mengapus dosa2q... Aq tw smakin bnyk yg menzolimi dan menganiyayaq..semakin terhapus dosaq yg seabrek abrek ntu...
Wahai family tercintaq...sy ucapkan TERIMA KASIH... OH YA SATU LG TXH yA ustad sobry....
Yesterday at 7:32pm

Andre Batito Iinxaq
nda ikut2x.... qm Cantik koq......... uyeuyeuyeuyeuye........... qqtiwwww
Yesterday at 7:36pm

Dian AgoesGa usah malu2 andre tato..HINA aj diriq...
Aq RELA..... Cpet iinx...
Yesterday at 7:40pm

Ahargun Ykebech....jngan di hina eh...
kk q ini....
maka mukax manis gtu loch ya...
kaya permen asem cmpur gula......
yg 50 perak 1...!!!
Yesterday at 7:44pm

Imelda Agoez
Nda usah ditanggapin org2 itu dee...mrk sirik g bs spt kamu...Lol.
Yesterday at 7:57pm

Ernie Agoes
wkwkwk....tp kk serius nev muji a'dian.tp org2 menzolimi dy spt dy menzolimi kk n ciko...
Yesterday at 8:07pm

Neva Emzedhahaha...jadi karma ney critax????
Yesterday at 8:10pm

Ernie AgoesHe he he geto dech....!!?wkwkwkwkwk..,.
Yesterday at 8:19pm

Dheastarini Amyranti Machland
dee...klo aq g mw menzalimi...cuma mau cerita....jadi waktu aq buka fotomu neh......temanq yg paling penakut langsung ngelempar komputerq pake buku dan lari sampe ke kantor sebelah...abis itu dia nyumpah2in aq.....dia bilang "dasar!!!gara2 lagi doyan FB-an,sampe kuntilanak piaraan juga diajak.suruh kembali ke alamnya tuh...." piss ya dee.......
Yesterday at 9:49pm

Anastasia Agoes
ha...........ha...............ha.............. cuma saya yg blom koment..... asli nay jingkar kukasih liat fotomu deee..... hahayyyyyyyyyyyy
Yesterday at 10:05pm

Fahmi Tessarsetaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,alasssssssssssssssssss...................................
10 hours ago

Euis Looph Iiuu
PeMbeLaa Orang Manis dataNg,,,,
Sesama Org big N betipule ngga Boleh menghina,,,,,
DiaaaN kita satuukkam kekuaatan....
Bersatuuu....... Read More
6 hours ago

Dian Agoese
uis i luph u pull.... Ntar aq cri kolor saktiq dulu...
@te erni. N neng naep.. Sbnarx ini butan karma tapi kurang tanggap semata.. Lagian te sm ciko kan manusia paling favoriteq...untk di zolimi...
@ami... Ganti dulu sempakmu mi.. Br kumen wkwkwkwk
@kadutz... Bulat sudah tekadq menghapusmu dr daftar warisanq...
@ dita... Bereeeeex temenmu dit... klo deket aj kutunjukan wajah naturalq ini...wkwkwk... Read More
@te uni.... Nay ntu jingkar butan liat aq tauu tp susux kurang... Belii dulu sono
Last but not least buat yg posting foto...
@ te onenk.... U BIKIN SIYAL AJA...
5 hours ago

Ernie Agoes
Wkwkwkwk....puas na ai atu bc kumen olang2,yg nting bkn q yg kt2in ,yes...yes....
¤eq pdhl a'dian mbil asuransi ahli warisx km dut,napa km kt2in dy,asli....d gnt dendry.
3 hours ago

Satiia Calya Putrii
Te'ernie curhat dya. . . .
Hahahahayyy. . . .

Tabahkan hatimu a', , , hohohoho. . . .
2 hours ago

Marina Agoes
heh .. heh.. da pa nii kok pada rame" dsini...ada gosip apa ea??
Tumben kok komen pd panjang" muax...
Kmu knp Bom..? kok keax nda terima gt...
*nda tau" mode On*
about an hour ago

Satiia Calya Putrii
So imud' na pank. . .
58 minutes ago

Marina Agoes
*mpuut...: 'te nii mang imud tau..
38 minutes ago

Satiia Calya PutriiImud kya marmuT. . .
weeksSs. . . .
28 minutes ago

Dian Agoes
eh..ribut..ribut.. pegian sna... bikin penuh aja...
itu yg so imut.. bikin siyaal aja.....
3 minutes ago ·

Write a comment...

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

my first time

eng..ing eng....

akhirx.. ini blog entry pertama w neeh...kinda weird after this few years keep blogging @ fb n fs finally ....huf**

sebenarx dah sekian lama pingin bikin blogger ..tapi ga tw carana( sipu2 malu mode on) ...n i dont have my own word to share with others.. keep twittering other blog.. specsially my favorite blogger http://geekinthe-pink.blogspot.com/ ..............

read her ( unne adisti) last posting dunno why hati ini tergerak...jiaaah... serius nee ( klo liat muka gw.. pasti 100 % sure...i'm totally serious bout wat I say..) xixixi.........
pengen buat blog dari 5 tahun yg lalu sebelum gw tau gimana crx update status FB..but still CUMA NIAT doank... ( Klo ga gara2 unee sad ..ga bakal gw bikin ni blog) ....

acctualy gw juga ga tau unee baca ap ga.. tp ..serius gw ikut sad baca postx... just like i wrote in her comment..

unee yg gw kenal ga gini.. unee yg d' knal tabah , stand alone no matter what .. she's became one of my inspiration n maybe for some else...read her blog open up my mind .

I ever heard every creature in this world had their own speciality.. but not me..
i'm not pretty , i'm not that smart. i'm not the kind of girl who gonna rock sum1 world just becoz ME being "myself".... & i'm FAT... most of girl in this world consider FAT is an enemy.. so did I... & I ever hate my self for being FAT..i almost gave up on this world too. but thanks to unee.. she's change my life...

she's the one who bring my life back.. bring my smile back.. unee u might not know ur ability to touch sum1 lives... but u did it with ur word.....

once again.. for unee I dedicated this blog 4 U.. ..

